Oregon fire service links

Bereavement Uniform Program from Lighthouse Uniform

The Bereavement Dress Uniform Program exists to ensure every emergency service provider is afforded the honor and every emergency service provider's family has the opportunity to bury their loved one in a dress uniform, at no cost to the family. To learn more, to donate or to get a uniform, call the Lighthouse Uniform Company at 1-800-426-5225.

Established in 1989 as a nonprofit, nonpartisan policy institute, CFSI is designed to educate members of Congress about the needs and challenges of our nation's fire and emergency services so that the federal government provides the types of training and funding needed by our first responders.

Daily Dispatch

The Daily Dispatch is a FREE scan friendly electronic newsletter distributed each weekday.  The newsletter features current national and state news and fire service announcements in a format that was designed to meet the needs and interests of the busy fire chief and motivated chief officer.  Entry level fire personnel may also benefit by staying connected with fire safety information and other trends in the fire service.

Department of Safety Standards and Training

Click here to access the Department of Public Safety Standards and Training. Included are links to the upcoming training calendar, fire certifications, fire taskbooks and forms. The DPSST strives to provide resources and certification programs that public safety officers and local public safety organizations need to maintain the highest professional skill standards, stewardship and service to Oregon's communities and citizens

Fallen Firefighters Dress Uniform Program

The goal of the Fallen Fire Fighter Dress Uniform Program is to provide the family losing a loved one in the line of duty, the opportunity to bury that person in a Class 'A' Dress Uniform.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) - EMI

The Federal Emergency Management Agency's Emergency Management Institute offers basic and advances incident and command training. Use this link to access your IS.100, IS200 ... courses. EMI is the emergency management community’s flagship training institution, and provides training to Federal, State, local, tribal, volunteer, public, and private sector officials to strengthen emergency management core competencies for professional, career-long training.

Firefighter Cancer Support Network

The mission of the Firefighter Cancer Support Network is to help fire/EMS members and their families cope with cancer and to provide occupational-cancer awareness and prevention training nationwide.


With the attitude that in order for firefighters to survive the dangers of the job we must learn how other firefighters have had “Close Calls” and even been injured or killed, this site brings forward issues in an effort to get firefighters to refocus on what’s important. In addition, the site offers resources, news, and information with a focus on firefighter safety.

Fire Rescue Group Purchasing

The FireRescue GPO is a national group purchasing program. In partnership with the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) and its divisions, the FireRescue GPO brings you group purchasing savings through the collective buying power of fire departments across the country.

International Association of Fire Chiefs

The International Association of Fire Chiefs represents the leadership of firefighters and emergency responders worldwide

International Code Council

The International Code Council (ICC), a membership association dedicated to building safety and fire prevention, develops the codes used to construct residential and commercial buildings, including homes and schools. Most U.S. cities, counties, and states that adopt codes choose the International Codes developed by the ICC.

International Fire Service Training Association

The International Fire Service Training Association (IFSTA) was established in 1934. The mission of IFSTA is to identify areas of need for training materials and foster the development and validation of training materials for the fire service and related areas. IFSTA is an association of fire service personnel who are dedicated to upgrading firefighting techniques and safety through training.

National Fire Academy

The National Fire Academy (NFA) works to enhance the ability of fire and emergency services and allied professionals to deal more effectively with fire and related emergencies. Free training courses and programs are delivered at our campus in Emmitsburg, Maryland, online and throughout the nation.The National Fire Academy (NFA) offers American fire and emergency services personnel a free, flexible, and convenient way to receive career-enhancing training.  Through NFA Online, students can complete self-pace courses 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Continuing Education Units (CEUs) orcollege credit are available for most courses.

National Fallen Firefighters Foundation

Congress created the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation to lead a nationwide effort to honor America's fallen firefighters. Since 1992, the non-profit Foundation has developed and expanded programs that fulfill that mandate. Our mission is to honor and remember America's fallen fire heroes and to provide resources to assist their survivors in rebuilding their lives.

National Fire Protection Association

The mission of the international nonprofit NFPA, established in 1896, is to reduce the worldwide burden of fire and other hazards on the quality of life by providing and advocating consensus codes and standards, research, training, and education.

National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC)

The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) is the leading nonprofit membership association representing the interests of the volunteer fire, EMS, and rescue services. The NVFC serves as the voice of the volunteer in the national arena and provides invaluable tools, resources, programs, and advocacy for first responders across the nation.

National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG)

The National Wildfire Coordinating Group is an operational group designed to coordinate programs of the participating wildfire management agencies. This link will take you to their online training courses so you can complete the basic online requiremetns to obtain your Oregon Wildland Certifications.

Northwest Leadership Seminar

To provide a variety of dynamic manager training courses and leadership management seminars for public safety leader of today and tomorrow.

Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training

Our mission is to promote excellence in public safety by delivering quality training and developing and upholding professional standards for police, fire, corrections, parole and probation, and telecommunications personnel, in addition to licensing private security providers and private investigators in Oregon.

Oregon Department of Forestry

The Oregon Department of Forestry was established in 1911. It is under the direction of the State Forester who is appointed by the State Board of Forestry. The statutes direct the state forester to act on all matters pertaining to forestry, including collecting and sharing information about the conditions of Oregon's forests, protecting forestlands and conserving forest resources.

Oregon Department of Transportation

The Oregon Department of Transportation began life in 1913 when the Oregon Legislature created the Oregon Highway Commission to "get Oregon out of the mud." Today, the Oregon Department of Transportation works to provide a safe, efficient transportation system that supports economic opportunity and livable communities for Oregonians. We develop programs related to Oregon’s system of highways, roads, and bridges; railways; public transportation services; transportation safety programs; driver and vehicle licensing; and motor carrier regulation.

Oregon Fire Apparatus and Equipment Mechanics Association

OFAEMA works with the Emergency Vehicle Technician Certification Program to assure that all of our preparation classes meet their education standards.  This will assure that the training mechanics receive at the local level is consistent with the training recognized by other states.

Oregon Fire Chiefs Association EMS Section

The EMS Section is a recognized sub-group of the Oregon Fire Chiefs Association, with a purpose to promote EMS within the fire service, assist the OFCA on EMS issues and to provide fire based EMS with a voice.

Oregon Fire Chiefs Associaiton Safety and Health Section

The Oregon Safety & Health Section (OSHS) is established to promote networking and the sharing of information between Fire Service Health and Safety Officers and other Training, Safety and Wellness personnel in the state and nation.

Oregon Fire District Directors Association 

Our Mission: To serve and strengthen through the provision and coordination of timely information, education, and legislation.

Oregon Fire Instructors Association

The Oregon Fire Instructors Association is an organization made up of fire instructors from throughout the state of Oregon. It is governed by twenty, elected representatives from local and regional training associations.

Oregon Fire Marshals Association

The vision of the Oregon Fire Marshals Association is to support the fire service by providing education, forums for discussion and information, and identifying current fire and life safety issues, as well as, assisting in targeted campaigns in order to make our State safe.

Oregon Fire Recruitment Network

The Oregon Fire Recruiters Network (OFRN) is made up from recruiters throughout Oregon. The purpose of this group is to allow better communications regarding finding new volunteer firefighters, sharing and implementing new programs, and sharing ideas to benefit the fire industry as a whole.

Oregon Fire Service Honor Guard

The Oregon Fire Service Honor Guard is made up of members of the fire service, paid and volunteer, from the entire state. Members serve on their own time at their own expense to provide honors to the fallen, to provide assistance to their families and to post colors at major fire service events.

Oregon Fire Service Office Administrators

Oregon Fire Service Office Administrators is a networking and educational organization for administrative personnel serving Oregon Fire Service agencies - from Fire Chiefs and Administrative Assistants to Entry Level Clerk positions. We provide members with training that is timely and pertinent to fire service office personnel by hosting a workshop in the spring and an annual conference in the fall.

Oregon Volunteer Firefighters Association

The principal focus of the Association and the Executive Board is to represent and support volunteer emergency responders in the State of Oregon. This mission has expanded to include the offering of disability insurance, grant programs, educational opportunities outside of the annual conference, and legislative representation.

The Fire Service Bookstore

Owned and operated by the Western Fire Chiefs Association, our bookstore is a non-profit entity serving instructors and students by supplying the highest quality training materials on the market.

Volunteer & Combination Officers Section (VCOS) of the International Association of Fire Chiefs

The International Association of Fire Chiefs represents the leadership of firefighters and emergency responders worldwide; our members are the world's leading experts in firefighting, emergency medical services, terrorism response, hazardous materials spills, natural disasters, search and rescue, and public safety policy.

Western Fire Chiefs Association

The purpose of the WFCA is to serve as a representative of choice of (and for) career and volunteer leaders of fire related emergency service organizations throughout the WFCA member states and the Western Pacific Islands.  The WFCA helps develop, and supports the work of, those leaders and organizations in order that they may best provide for the protection of people and the environment from the occurrence and outcomes of fires and other natural, technological and human-behavior-caused emergencies.


25030 SW Parkway Ave

Suite 330

Wilsonville, OR 97070

(503) 298-5240  / ofca@ofca.org

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