Day 0 Conference Schedule Tuesday, May 6 0800 OFCA Board of Directors Meeting Boardroom 1100 Jerry Heater Memorial Golf Tournament Juniper Golf Course Golf Reception Immediately Following Tournament Day 1 Conference Schedule Wednesday, May 7 0700 Breakfast & Registration Cascade ABCDJ & Foyer 0800-0900 Opening Ceremonies, President’s Welcome, Oregon Fire Chiefs Foundation Cascade ABCDJ 0900-1030 Mark Niemeyer, President, Western Fire Chiefs Association Cascade ABCDJ Leadership Development/Succussion Planning 1030-1100 Break 1100-1200 Jeff Johnson, Fire Chief (Ret.) Cascade ABCDJ Innovations in Technology that Touch Daily Ops 1200-1300 Lunch Cascade ABCDJ 1300-1420 Katie Ausburger, Employee Experience Strategist, Future Work Design Cascade ABCDJ DEI 1430-1530 Mark Niemeyer, President, Western Fire Chiefs Association Cascade ABCDJ & Josh Waldo, President, International Association of Fire Chiefs WFCA and IAFC Updates 1540-1700 OFCA Business Meeting #1 Cascade ABCDJ Day 1 Conclusion Day 2 Conference Schedule Thursday, May 8 0700 Breakfast Cascade ABCDJ & Foyer 0800-0915 OFCA Business Meeting #2 Cascade ABCDJ 0915-0930 Break 0930-1100 Paul LeSage, Founding Partner, SG Collaborative Solutions Cascade ABCDJ Reliability, Risk, and Fie/EMS Culture; Creating a Safer, Responsive, and Resilient Future 1100-1115 Break 1115-1300 Awards Ceremony Luncheon and Board of Directors Swearing-In Cascade ABCDJ 1300-1315 Break 1315-1415 Winslow Cervantes, Public Entities Senior Account Exec. & Risk Manager, WHA Insurance Cascade ABCDJ AI is Here: How Can It Help You? 1415-1430 Break 1430-1515 Brian Fennesy, Fire Chief, Orange County Fire Authority Cascade ABCDJ The Palisades Fire 1515-1530 Break 1530-1600 Patrick Fale, Deputy Chief of Strategic Services, Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue Cascade ABCDJ & Dave Pickhardt, Managing Director, Oregon Fire Chiefs Association Post Traumatic Growth / Struggle Well Program / SAIF Partnership 1600-1900 Vendor Show & Reception Downstairs Exhibit Hall Day 3 Conference Schedule Friday, May 9 0700 Breakfast Cascade ABCDJ & Foyer 0815-0900 The Victory Group Cascade ABCDJ Now You Have A Lobbyist 0900-1015 Eriks Gabliks, Superintendent, National Fire Academy Cascade ABCDJ Update and Work of the US Fire Administration 1015-1030 Break 1030-1200 Sarah Jahnke, Director & Senior Scientist, Center for Fire, Rescue & EMS Health Research at the National Development & Research Institutes - USA Cascade ABCDJ Beneath the Helmet: Health and Wellness Research for the US Fire Service 1200 Conference Conclusion
Additional Meetings Wednesday, May 7 0900-1500 Oregon Fire Service Honor Guard Annual Business Meeting Cascade E 1300 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Meeting Boardroom Thursday, May 8 0800-1500 Oregon Fire Service Honor Guard Training Cascade E 1400 Oregon Safety & Health Section Board Meeting Boardroom |
Serving the Fire Chief Community with Unity and Diversity